Runtime Spawner 1.0.0
Generic Runtime spawn and instance pooling system for spawning random AI agents around a map. Works with ANY AI system easily.
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MegaCrush.RuntimeSpawnerSample Namespace Reference


class  AIChase
 Simple AI chase behaviour. If it sees the player, it chases them. More...
class  AIWander
class  CharController
 Attach this to the character, optionally also add a rigidbody, just cuz. More...
class  FaceCamera
 Simple billboard script. More...
class  RuntimeSpawnerControl
 Sample script that starts the runtime spawner, instead of it starting automatically. More...
class  TriggerActivateResetMonitor
 Simple script to listen to WaveTrigger events and show / hide an object (the WorldSpace UI) More...
class  UpdateWaveInfo
 Example UI script listens to wave trigger events. More...